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June 11, 2012

In Which I Abuse the Brace Bracket

June 11, 2012
Well, it seems as though I don't have much to blog about.
Things around here have been, well, routine to say the least.

I've been spending my time in the art room {crunch time!},
taking religion tests {and aceing them!},
running down rock canyon {i'm an athlete again!},
and being sufficiently awkward in each and every social encounter {which seem to be few and far between...}

I'm starting {haven't started} to pack {again!} to leave Provo Town this week.  And while at first I was very {very} excited to get away from here, after watching Phantom of the Opera {gerard!} with the homies {random people who I very loosely call "friends"}, I admit it will be sad to leave the familiar faces of the past six months.  They've been {relatively} good to me {insert winky emoticon here to protect this sentence, only don't}.

Alas!  Adventures {kind of} await!
See you later Provo.

p.s. Lana Del Rey, all day


  1. Hahah yes I loved this post! you are my favorite. home to az I'm taking it? love you nat!

  2. Love this style. It made me laugh
